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Watch Out Cumberland County is your community source for crime info, alerts, and support of local law enforcement . This page is not operated by law enforcement, government, or major media. This page is sponsored by FayToday Social Media to distribute helpful info to the community to increase comfort in the daily living around the Cumberland County region. \(-_-)/
►Please use the data and info to understand the type of crimes that occur. Be aware of any active alerts, trends, or wanted persons near your community.
►Please use this info to get involved in your community, whether by non-profits, community activism, or talking with neighbors. Every community needs involvement, strong leaders, and connecting others to let them know someone around them cares.
►Please use this info in an open mind. It is not to judge your whole community, city, or types of persons in a negative manner. Crime happens, but lets eliminate unnecessary crime, reduce major crime, or make the community a better place.
►Please use this info for vigilance and awareness, not for "vigilante" and retaliation. Do not turn into a criminal in the discomfort or anger that a crime against you may create. There is a system in place that you should trust to help. Reach out to that system if any mistrust or neglect is felt.
►Please participate, such as sharing home surveillance images with the community to identify a suspect. Voice your concern. Ask how you can help your community. We'
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