Join us for the event of the summer! Blues-N-Brews is a one day festival where you can taste over 100 of the finest beers around and jam to the hottest blues bands.
Event Details
The 16th Annual Blues-N-Brews Festival takes place Saturday, June 3 at Festival Park in downtown Fayetteville, NC. Gates open at 4 PM for VIP and at 5 PM for General Admission. All proceeds support Cape Fear Regional Theatre.
#BluesNBrews2017 #BnBforCFRT #coldbeer #hotblues
GENERAL ADMISSION ($35 Pre-Sale/$40 At Gate); Includes:
- Souveneir beer sampling glass
- Unlimited beer sampling
- Musical entertainment
- Games
VIP ($75, *PRE-SALE ONLY, 21 AND UP ONLY) brought to you by the Beasley Media Group; Also Includes:
- One-hour early admission (4PM)
- Opportunity to be the judge in the Best in Show Contest
- Private lawn with covered seating
- Private game area
- Catered meal
- Complimentary snacks
- Complimentary BnB merchandise
- Complimentary concessions item
Tickets on sale NOW! For more information, visit:
#BluesNBrews2017 #BnBforCFRT #coldbeer #hotblues
GENERAL ADMISSION ($35 Pre-Sale/$40 At Gate); Includes:
- Souveneir beer sampling glass
- Unlimited beer sampling
- Musical entertainment
- Games
VIP ($75, *PRE-SALE ONLY, 21 AND UP ONLY) brought to you by the Beasley Media Group; Also Includes:
- One-hour early admission (4PM)
- Opportunity to be the judge in the Best in Show Contest
- Private lawn with covered seating
- Private game area
- Catered meal
- Complimentary snacks
- Complimentary BnB merchandise
- Complimentary concessions item
Tickets on sale NOW! For more information, visit: