The Legend Continues... Walk through the streets of war-torn Normandy and see a glider delivering a jeep into battle, hear troopers exiting a helicopter in Vietnam, watch the rooftops as soldiers and an MH‐6 "Little Bird” rescue Kurt Muse in Panama, witness troops defending freedom in Iraq and fighting the war on terror in Afghanistan. The museum preserves the extraordinary feats performed by the United States Army's Airborne and the Special Operations Forces, all who jump from the sky, into battle. Come see what brings out the best in America's sons and daughters. Our museum is a source of pride to all those who served, or now serve, in the U.S. Army Airborne and Special Operations units.
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The Airborne & Special Operations Museum recounts the actions of heroic soldiers from the early days of the Parachute Test Platoon to the ongoing Global War on Terrorism.
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