Fred and Alice Stanback Coastal Education Center

Education $$

309 W. Salisbury Street
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Wrightsville BeachRate and review
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Visit the federation's calendar of events to for more information on our programs and events. The center is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We invite you to stop by and join in one of our activities.

Student Education Program
Lessons presented:

Water Quality and Decreasing Polluted the Runoff
Outdoor Classroom and Walk the Loop for Clean Water
The center demonstrates a series of stormwater reduction measures that students can investigate and learn about their connection to our waterways. This is also the jumping off point for the interactive Walk the Loop for Clean Water education project. Students are engaged with hands-on experiments and exploration using the stormwater reduction projects at the center and around the loop.

Restoring Coastal Habitats
Field and Classroom Programs
Field programs for students occur through the center and at our habitat restoration sites in the region. The center houses a classroom and is adjacent to the salt marsh and tidal creeks which serve as living laboratories. We also host field trips to our restoration sites where students can help build and maintain oyster reefs and monitor and plant salt marsh grasses. Students explore these habitats and projects to understand their function and values.

Oyster Education Program
School Yard Rain Garden Program
Contact Ted Wilgis, coastal education coordinator, at (910) 509-2838 or for more information.

Public Education Program
Coastal Speaker Seri

Upcoming Events

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Get to know Fred and Alice Stanback Coastal Education Center

The Fred and Alice Stanback Coastal Education Center is a regional hub for coastal education offering a wide range of events, classes and fun activities.

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